This is of course possible!My idea (with examples):SchoolA=10.120 (Location: Chicago)SchoolB=10.130 (Location: Dallas)So at Chicago you will have VLAN 333, every device is getting an IP address with 10.120.x.x. At Dallas every device in VLAN 333 is getting an IP address with 10.130.x.x.
Dynamic Vlan Assignment Microsoft Nps Windows 7
So the VLAN ID “333” is the same at every school but the DHCP scope and default gateway has it’s own address. So the device is getting the VLAN 333 at every location but another IP address. It’s very simple.It’s not working if all schools are connected via Layer2 so VLAN333 can’t be a “standalone VLAN” at each geographical location.Ask me any questions, I will try to help you.